
Sharing God's love with the world, one heart at a time.

True Forgiveness


Today I received the following message through a Daily Bible Passage group email, and I am called to share these words with you. 

Forgiveness seems to be the issue that I need to work on, because everywhere I look, “forgiveness” pops out at me.   

I pray that these words open your eyes and touch your heart, as they touched mine:


“Deep down, forgiveness means wanting for the offending party what God wants for that person: to live honestly as

someone made in God’s image and likeness, reflecting that in his or her choices.

People sometimes think that forgiveness requires lying to themselves—that the offensive action or omission never happened, it didn’t really do much damage, etc.

That approach to forgiveness can keep a person in an abusive situation, lead to serious financial loss or put someone’s life in jeopardy. It’s not forgiveness to make excuses for another person’s addiction or behavior and its negative consequences.

Forgiveness cannot change past facts but it can put them into a different perspective, a more life-giving perspective. For that reason, forgiveness and truth are allies, not enemies. Nothing worthwhile can be built on a lie.

It is appropriate to forgive someone when you can look in the mirror and tell yourself honestly, “I want for that person what God wants.” Until you can say that, you should pray for the grace to say it honestly. When you can, you will be free.”

Author Unknown

13 thoughts on “True Forgiveness

  1. So blessed to meet you and I want to thank you for following my blog. Loved your blog on forgiveness. So vital for those who seek to walk close to Jesus and to continue to share His love. Is your name Bernadette? By the way I’ve been creating cards as a ministry for years. I think we probably have a kindred spirit. (:


    • Hi Glenda,

      Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to comment:-)

      We do sound like kindred spirits! I look forward to getting to know you through your posts. May God continue to bless you and your ministry.


      Liked by 1 person

  2. What a beautiful post. Forgiveness is truly challenging when we have been deeply hurt, yet by clinging to unforgiveness we are in essence only hurting ourselves. Love, Amy


  3. So true, so true. In Adoration I was speaking to our Lord about someone who I was having a very hard time forgiving. He spoke these words to me, “Love their soul.” I may hate what they did, but I can love their soul enough, to want for that soul everything that was spoken of in this post. Good one and God Bless, SR


  4. Patrick, thank you for sharing your thoughts. Love and forgiveness are so important to our relationship with Jesus.


  5. Thank you!

    I suspect there is no issue with more relevance today or with a greater lack of understanding in the total “Christian Community.”

    The tenor of the debate and positions staked out by competing Christian Faiths is disturbing and perplexing. How can Christian treat each other this way? {I DO understand it}

    Where is “THEY WILL know US by our love?

    Forgiveness always begins at home, with ourselves. Unless and until we can confess and forgive ourselves for our own sins; how can we possible forgive those “trespass against us?”

    And yet that is the LORDS Prayer,




  6. For me, forgiveness requires humility, which I believe is what the words you shared are saying. With true humility, we are able to better focus on the other person, rather than our self. But for me, true humility comes from the Holy Spirit. That’s because I just don’t have it on my own – my prideful human nature is too strong. But the Holy Spirit is stronger.


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