
Sharing God's love with the world, one heart at a time.

Treasure the Moment You Are In


Many of you know that my eighty-eight year old mother lives with my husband and me.  If you would like to know a little about her, and our life together, here is the link of a past blog I wrote about her.

When my mom first came to live with us, (eleven years ago) she was walking with a cane.  She got around pretty well, able to shop with me, walk unaided around the house, go outside, etc.  That progressed to her using a walker.  In the last year, her walking has become much more labored, and her shortness of breath has increased with any exertion or activity at all.

A week ago, she experienced a very scary breathing episode, that led her to be admitted into the hospital and then to rehab.  When she was first admitted, she was extremely weak and very afraid for her life.

After a very stressful week for her and us, we are very happy, because due to medication, oxygen treatment, and physical/occupational therapy, she is more energized and is responding well and regaining some strength.  It is her hope, and ours, that she is able to do the simple things that she was doing a little over a month ago.  The basic things…like walking with her walker to the bathroom, being able to join us at the dinner table, or to watch a movie or go out for dinner as a family.  These simple things are our prayer for her.

I have learned so many things through this experience with her.  The main thing that keeps going through my mind is how many times Mom was so upset that she wasn’t able to do some of the things other people her age were doing.  I tried to reassure her, and reminded her to not compare herself and what she is capable of, with others.  That she should focus on what she is blessed with, and what she still CAN do, instead of her limitations.

We all tend to do that at times…not fully appreciating or acknowledging the blessings, and focusing on what we feel is lacking.

All that my mother is focusing on right now is the hope that she will once again enjoy a “normal” day.   That she will not be bedbound…that she is able to breathe normally, and get around “a little.”

“Treasure the moment you are in.”  I opened my notebook this morning that I am keeping about my mom’s hospital/rehab stay, and those words jumped out at me.  When I attended a Woman’s Conference, a few months ago, I jotted that thought down.

“Treasure the moment you are in.”  So appropriate for me to think about at this time.

What moments will you treasure?

For me, those moments are my “normal” day…the little things that often go unnoticed or taken for granted.  Those are the moments that we will learn are the true blessings that we all have received from our heavenly father.  Some of those blessings are the same for most of us, some are unique.


Some of the moments I am thankful for in my life, and will savor as treasures:

Having my husband next to me, being the last face I see before I go to sleep at night, and the first face I see when I wake up.

All of the people in my life…my family, friends, and all those that God places in my daily life.  To appreciate all they are to me, and all that I can be to them.

Waking up in a comfy bed, in our cozy home, and having a hot shower or bath to enjoy.

Being able to enjoy a cup of coffee and breakfast with my husband, each day as we commute to work together.  Even going a step further – to simply be physically able to eat and drink.

Feeling the warm summer air on my skin, and taking in the beauty of nature in what I see and hear.

Having a job that helps to attend to our basic needs, and also allows us some of the little pleasures that we enjoy together.

The ability to breathe…to just be.  To enjoy the world, and the presence of God, through my senses –  being able to see, hear, taste, smell, feel.  To be able to walk, and do the things I need or desire to do.

When I am totally aware that none of us are alone.  God is with us at all times, and when we stop to listen, He is always right there with us, all around us.  He is our strength, our heart, our soul…he is the reason we exist.  His love flows around us, in us, and through us.

Treasure the moment you are in…it is a blessing and will work toward good through God that loves you more than you can fathom!









19 thoughts on “Treasure the Moment You Are In

  1. My life was turned upside down a few weeks ago as I moved 170 miles from home and rented an apartment near the hospital where my husband is receiving chemotherapy and other drugs in preparation for a bone marrow transplant. This whole process could take up to 6 months or more. I’m learning to take just one moment at a time. Leaning on the Lord, writing about it, and trying to find something to be thankful for daily helps. Rejoicing that Bob is still alive today gives me hope for tomorrow and joy in the midst of this very difficult journey. Your words–especially the last 3 paragraphs of this piece brought me peace as I focus on the simple truth that my husband and I are never alone. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Wow Nancy, you and your husband are going through so much. Please know that you are being prayed for…that the Lord fill you with peace and the strength needed to be there for your husband. And I pray that the Lord fills your husband with His Holy Spirit, and that He heals him from the inside out…physically, spiritually, and emotionally.

      With love and prayers,

      Liked by 1 person

  2. This brought back memories of tending to my own mother. Treasures in retrospect, privileges beyond word with gifts from God each and every day. Blessings with prayers to you and your mother, Bernadette.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I agree…beyond this moment, there are no guarantees!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Bernadette, another post of yours that has filled my soul! God is so good!


  5. Thanks for a wonderful post. Sometimes those small blessings end up being the greatest of gifts, enabling us to become appreciative, grateful, and aware of God’s loving presence at all times.


  6. I am so thankful to our Lord for your Mom’s continued health. I was afraid when I first opened the post, and what a wonderful surprise I got!!! This post is also beautiful to always remind us, to be thankful for so many things in life. I always thank God for the bed I sleep in and the water, food, and home. This post reminded me to thank Him for the love in my life. Good one and thanks for sharing. God Bless, SR

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, SR! When I see your posts or when you stop by mine, it always brings me a smile:-)

      God has given us so many the comforts and beauty around us, and mostly for the beautiful people he places in our lives. So happy he brought you into my life – I learn so much from you!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Back at you Girl, a thousand times over! The only reason you “learn” is because…. “I AM SUCH A WORK IN PROGRESS!” 🙂 I will be so glad when I get there! Love and God Bless, SR

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Thank you for sharing.

    As I add this comment, Karen [my bride of 48 years],we are visiting our best friends of 55 + years. They are our adopted “parents”.

    “mother” is also 88 and “pop” is 84; both struggle with many health issues BUT are extremely strong Catholics. So what ever God wants is accepted. BY US TOO!

    God Bless you my friend. We live in Florida, and they are in Michigan. So what you have is an additional Blessing.

    May God continue to Bless ALL of you,



  8. I’m guilty of looking for the next thing and forgetting what is right in front of me. Thanks for the reminder!


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