
Sharing God's love with the world, one heart at a time.

Present Moment


Yesterday I was blessed to spend some time with a close friend, and her two daughters. We took her five year old and ten month old to an indoor playground. Being that my sons are now adults, and I don’t have grandchildren yet, I had never seen a place quite  like this.

It was wonderful watching the children play, and interacting with them. This child’s wonderland was filled with children having loads of fun and most of their parents enjoying their time together. All in all, it was a joy filled time!

There was one little scene between a young father and daughter that saddened me. I am sharing it because in this day and age we are all that father at one time or another. We all miss important, everyday moments.

The little girl was about three years old. She was so cute, dressed in her little sundress, and her brown hair was a little tousled from playing. She was rocking on a little toy horse, and her face was glowing. Her father was standing directly in front of her, and she was beaming at him. Her smile was pure and contagious, and she did not take her eyes off of her daddy the whole time she was rocking. She wanted to share her joy with him.

He never saw her…he was engrossed in his cell phone and never looked up at her. My heart broke in that little minute.

How many minutes, how many opportunities to love and grow in our relationships do we miss each day because we are not living in the moment? How long will we allow ourselves to be lured away from real life by our electronics or entertainment?

This encounter yesterday reminded me of something that happened many years ago between my father and me.

I was probably around seven or eight years old I think. My father was reading his newspaper, and I was lying on my stomach on the living room floor, reading the Sunday comics. My father meant the world to me, and I was chatting happily with him. When I was speaking, I looked up at him while he was answering, “uh huh”…I realized that his attention was on the newspaper and he was just saying “uh huh” every now and then even though he really didn’t know what I was saying. With my young mind I comprehended what was happening, and felt embarrassed and sad.

Funny, how I still remember that.

So, let’s focus on each moment and the precious people that the Lord places in our lives. There are hearts and minds in need of the love, acceptance, and affirmation that only we can give them.

And when we truly learn to live as blessings in the present moment, loving the Lord and his children, we will also be blessed abundantly in our own hearts and spirits.


20 thoughts on “Present Moment

  1. I enjoyed your post. It reminded me of Psalm 90:12 “Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” It can be so easy to miss out on what is really important. If we don’t wise up we will miss out on the opportunity to enjoy each distinct, wonderful stage our children go through and the opportunity to build very special bonds with them along the way. My grandfather used to say, “Where ever you are….be there.” Wisdom that I did not truly grasp until I was much older.


    • Thank you for stopping by and for sharing such wisdom.

      “Where ever you are….be there.” Like you, I did not understand this until I was much older. I thank the Lord that he has blessed me to reach the age that I am right now; as my relationship with the Lord grows more intimate, He is removing my blinders and dark spots, layer by layer.

      Life is surely a different place when you experience it through the eyes and heart of Jesus.


  2. Argh… my pet peeve. Not paying attention but to the dispicable phone. So sad. But I’m glad you caught the magic and shared it with us. Thank you.


  3. Boy, you touched my hot button! I didn’t have a cell phone when I was raising kids. Thank you Lord! I’m saddened and appalled at the young parents that I see in public who are “missing these precious moments” but also sending a horrible message of indifference to their children.

    I watched the same thing happen at an airport. However, the mom’s lack of attention only made the boy more active. She kept fussing at him to be still. Perhaps he would have settled down, if she’d turned off her phone and read him a book.

    Good luck changing people’s patterns. Wish we could take photos of the moments and send them to the person’s phone with the words, “Get your head out of the phone. You’re missing it.”

    No grace here. LOL


    • I know just how you feel. Sometimes it is so sad to see families that are together but not really “together.” It would be comical to watch if it weren’t so sad. My husband and I will be out to dinner and see a family next to us where each person has an electronic device in front of them. Even the little ones.

      But then I remember all the times I was talkig on the phone when my sons were young, or cleaning the house instead of interacting with them. If only I knew then what I know in my heart now. That is why I try to share love as much as I can to help open hearts.

      But this phone “thing” has to stop…and the texting. People are glued to their phones instead of enjoying eachother.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Great post and you are so right about giving of ourselves fully to those we love and the moment at hand. Blessings and hugs, Natalie 🙂


  5. Great post, Bernadette and a much needed one at that. As I stated in a previous post, “I always picture Jesus giving the Sermon on the Mount, and cell phones going off.” To me it has gotten just that bad, especially in Mass. That just goes all through me.

    St. Faustina said something like this, “When we are in this moment we have a certain grace for that moment. When that moment leaves it will never return, nor will the grace. The next hour will come, but the same grace for that hour will not be the same, as it was for the previous hour.) (Not a direct quote, but meant the same)

    In thinking of that, the little girl will probably never have the same smile, or the same look which she gave to her father. If he does not stop, the smile and look will go away completely.

    To me, that is the shame of society as we know it today. All the wasted moments. Good post and God Bless, SR


    • Wow…thanks for the reminder about the grace that we are gifted with each and every moment.

      Yes, society makes it difficult for us to savor and to use those moments for loving relationships. We also need to learn to stay “still” in the Lord; to just “be” in His presence.

      Hopefully, more and more eyes and hearts will be opened to the Truth of Jesus’ saving mercy, grace and love.


  6. I was just like that and I look back and shake my head


  7. When with someone give them your heartfelt attention. We do not have to speak, it is better sometimes to listen and just be engaged, connected with them.


  8. Wonderful post. Saddens me, too, when I see those who miss the simple pleasure in life. Happens every day. Put down the phone to see wonder in every minute. Still, what a joyful day you had with your friend and watching children play! Thank you for this. Blessings.


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